Statistics show that newly qualified drivers are more likely to have an accident in the first 2 years of driving than at any other time in their driving career. Drivers become safer by driving more miles and by experiencing a wider variety of driving situations.
Pass Plus is a voluntary scheme that offers newly qualified drivers professional instruction, helping them to,
- Gain quality driving experience safely
- Become a more skillful driver
- Develop a positive driving style
- Reduce their risk of being involved in an accident
When you successfully complete PASS PLUS you will usually qualify for a substantial discount on your motor insurance policy. Motor insurers who support the scheme offer discounts on
- Comprehensive.
- Third party fire and theft.
- Third party only insurance policies.
Pass Plus, the syllabus.
Module 1: Introduction, (part 1).
Your instructor will introduce the course and outline the disciplines and benefits of the course.
Module 1: Town Driving, (part 2).
Module 2: All Weather Driving.
![All Weather](images/all wea.jpg)
Module 3: Out of town driving & Rural roads.
Module 4: Night Driving.
![Night Time](images/night.jpg)
Module 5: Dual Carriageways.
![Dual Carriageway](images/dual.gif)
Module 6: Motorways.
Where possible. this should be a practical session on a motorway and will cover, joining and leaving carriageways, forward planning and observation, overtaking, and breakdowns and safety procedures.
N.B. These modules may not necessarily be taken in the above order, and some may overlap, depending on the previous experience of the candidate.